The Team

Thea Brennan-Krohn MD, D(ABMM)
Dr. Brennan-Krohn completed fellowships in Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Boston Children's Hospital (BCH) and in Clinical Microbiology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC), as well as a postdoctoral fellowship in the Kirby Lab at BIDMC. She started her own lab and joined the faculty at BIDMC in 2022. Most of her time is spent in the lab, but she also performs clinical service time as an attending time on the inpatient Infectious Diseases service at BCH and in the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory at BIDMC. Her research is informed by her experience caring for patients with difficult-to-treat infections.
Aimee Iradukunda
Postdoctoral research fellow
Dr. Iradukunda received her PhD in Chemistry from Syracuse University in 2024. Her research focus evolved from organic synthesis to microbiology and antimicrobial resistance, resulting in a dissertation entitled, "Chemical Reversal of Beta-lactam Resistance and Induction of Hyper-susceptibility in Pseudomonas aeruginosa by Limiting Horizontal Gene Transfer under Beta-lactam Stress.” She joined the Brennan-Krohn laboratory in August 2024 to investigate antimicrobial activity of, and resistance to, novel direct-acting beta-lactamase inhibitors in the diazabicyclooctane (DBO) class.

Meaghan Bottino
Co-op Research Student
Meaghan is an undergraduate student at Northeastern University, where she is pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Biology with a Minor in Ethics. She previously worked on vaccine development as a co-op research assistant at Affinivax (now GSK). In the Brennan-Krohn Lab, Meaghan is working on a collaboration with the Global Antibiotic Research & Development Partnership (GARDP), which involves comparing methods of synergy testing to identify techniques that can be used in resource-limited settings.
Lindsey Rudtner
Research Associate
Lindsey earned a Bachelor's Degree in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Rochester in 2022. After graduation, she worked at IDX20, developing lateral flow diagnostic assays for pathogens include Dengue and mpox. Most recently, she was a research associate at Externa Biosciences, where she used a wide range of assays to evaluate peptide candidates. In September 2024 she joined the Brennan-Krohn lab, where she is investigating the activity of combinations of DBOs and other antibiotics against challenging gram-negative bacterial pathogens.

Lab Alumni

Shade Rodriguez
Research Assistant 2019-2021
Current Position: PhD Candidate, Pathobiology Graduate Program, Brown University, Providence, RI

Michelle Nägeli
Postdoctoral Fellow 2022-2024
Current Position: Junior Doctor, Wiener Gesundheitsverbund, Vienna, Austria

Liam Friar
Research Assistant 2018-2019
Current Position: PhD Candidate, Geological Sciences Department, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO

Anusha Shukla
Research Assistant 2022-2024
Current Position: PhD Candidate, Biophysics PhD Program, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI